Wanem ia demokrasi?

Demokrasi hemi semak olsem KASTOM BLO YUMI hemi kat ol fasin mo rod blo wokbaot blo hem be hemia nao ol loa nomo i save kontrolem ol fasin blo demokrasi, semak long kastom.🇬🇧Democracy is a system of governance that values individual freedoms, equality, and the rule of law, and it has led to significant social progress and advancements in many parts of the world.⤴️While governments may allocate resources for public education or informational campaigns related to referendums, they typically should not provide preferential treatment or exclusive support to particular groups or viewpoints. Instead, governments may create frameworks for fair competition, such as setting guidelines for access to public resources or funding mechanisms that are available to all eligible participants.Yumi stap kontiniu blo ripitim se MP hemi draftem bil, hemi argue finis hemi vot insaed long palemen naoia hemi mas go aotsaet kampen blo switim ol vota blo hem blo vot wetem hem. Long kampen blong hem, kavman i save sapotem hem from nomo hemi stanap long palemen mo hemi ripresentem pipol.Group vot NO hemi nokat wan MP wetem olgeta. Spos wan MP hemi vot NO insaed long palemen, hemi kat raet blo karem 1 million blong hem blong kampen blong NO. Fasin o kastom blo demokrasi i talem se: While governments may allocate resources for public education or informational campaigns related to referendums, they typically should not provide preferential treatment or exclusive support to particular groups or viewpoints.350M yumi traem justifym finis hamas taem se blong logistics mo ol difren aktiviti we bae helpem yumi kat wan ifektif referendum.

I save kat dictatorship long Vanuatu spos referandom i pas?

*️⃣ Bae i hat blo kat DICTATORSHIP long wan demoktatik framework from i kat check mo balance blo pawa. I save kat long wan “authoritarian democracy" or "illiberal democracy."
*️⃣ Be long case blong 🇻🇺Vanuatu⤵️
In a democratic system with three branches of power—legislative, executive, and judicial—the separation of powers is a fundamental principle. Each branch has distinct responsibilities and serves as a check on the others to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.
*️⃣ Example spos PM mo kavman i stronghed, President i save disolvem palemen o yumi kat justice system we kot i save judgem aksen blo kavman oli constitutional o unconditional.

Wanem ia politikol pati rekiulesen?

Tete yu statem wan bisnis, loa i talem se yu mas rejistarem lo Vanuatu Financial Service Commission (VFSC) mo yu mas kat wan konstityusen spos hemi wan asosiesen. LAW IA HEMI TALEM. Be realiti we stap tete se ol politikol pati oli no nid blo rejista lo VFSC. YU LUK SE HEMI FAIR LO BISNIS BLO KAVA BLO YU O YUFALA OL MAMA WE STA TRAEM HAT BLO PUTUM BRED LO TEBOL MO PEM SKUL FEE? Ol 52 MP STA KAT OL PILITIKOL PATI WE LOA I NO TAJEM OLGETA BE LOA I TAJEM OL SMOLSMOL MAN NOMO. I FEA? YUMI STA DELETE ARTICLE 4(3) LO MAMA LOA FROM RISEN IA NAO. 17A mo 17B stap tekem ples blo politikol pati wokbaot fri saksakem han afta yu wan smol bisnis stap strakel.

LISTEN LO VIDEO IA BAE YU HAREM FACTS - https://youtu.be/oP7lfFzvyQM

44 Politikol pati lo Vanuatu, haf nomo i rejista long VFSC. Fulap lo olgeta i no stap ripotem mane o givim ripot afta yu wan smol bisnis we stap strakel bae kavman fosem yu blo rejista mo pem laesens mo ripotem ol annual return blo yu? YU LUK SE I FAIR? YU MAS VOT YES NOMO. No lisen long ol man we stap talem NO from olgeta stap lukluk lo fridom o raets o diktetasip blo president be realiti hemia problem blo olgeta. Bae yu vot NO finis afta kontiniu blo rejista mo givim ripot lo kavman. Olgeta swingim han nomo wokbaot

From wanem sam aweanes oli stap tokbaot YES nomo be oli no tokbaot rapis saed blong 17A mo 17B?

I kat wan game long primary skul we yumi ple OPPOSITE blong wan toktok? Spos tija i se short, opposite hemi tall. Spos tija i se good, opposite hemi bad. Spos tija i se stabiliti, oposite hemi instabiliti. Spos tija i se 17A hemi blo mekem se kavman i stable, opposite i minim instabiliti we hemi rapis saed. Taem oli stap tokbaot gud saed blo 17A mo 17B yu shud save finis wanem nao hemi rapis saed blong bill o propos loa ia. Spos tija i se bill hemi stopem MP blo no muvmuv i mean se opposite hemi no stopem wan MP blo muvmuv lo fridom blo hem olsem we i stap mekem bifo. Spos tija se loa ia blong politikol intekriti hemi blo rekiuletem ol politikol pati, i minim se naoia i nokat rekiulesen mo rapis saed hemi nokat rul blong olgeta politisen oli wok.⚠️YU NO TOKBAOT RAPIS SAED WE HEMI AOTSAED LONG TOPIK BLONG POLITIOK INTEKRITI olsem UN bae rul, diktetasip, etc... we hemi irrelevant o hemi ol tingting we hemi aotsaed.

Sapos Referendum ino pass bae kavman i mekem wanem?

Spos referandom vote NO hemi win, bae ol loa blo politikol pati blo rekiuletem olgeta bae i still pas mo bae oli enfosem. 17A mo 17B nomo bae i no pas!

17A mo 17B bae stopem instabiliti mo korapsen o nokat?

  • 17A mo 17B bae no save stopem instabiliti mo korapsen from criminal hemi lukaotem evri rod mo teknik blo steal. Yu putum iron bar long window mo CCTV kamera bae hemi lukaotem narafala rod i stilim yu!
  • 17A mo 17B hemi olsem yu putum ekstra leya blo sekiuriti nomo blo mekem laef blo stilman i hat lelepet blong hemi ajivim wanem we hemi wantem.
  • Rekiulesen blong ol politikol pati hem mekem se yumi mas save wea ples pati i stap karem mane long hem, mo fasin ia hemi wanem yumi wantem from transparensi mo akaontabiliti.
  • Laws passed in parliament can serve as an extra security layer against corruption and unethical behavior in politics. These laws can establish clear guidelines, regulations, and penalties to deter corruption, promote transparency, and hold politicians accountable for their actions.

17A mo 17AB spos i pas bae yumi lusum ol kraon blo yumi?

17A mo 17AB spos i pas bae no karemaot evri kraon o evri kraon i kam STATE LAND.Konstityusen i tokbaot Indigenous Ownership: The most fundamental principle is that all land in Vanuatu belongs to the indigenous custom owners and their descendants (Article 73). This means customary land cannot be alienated or permanently sold.Customary Use: The basis of land ownership and use is defined by custom and tradition (Article 74). Local communities have the authority to manage their land according to their customs.Limited Exceptions: The government can own land, but it must be for public purposes (Article 80). There are also provisions for perpetual ownership and lease arrangements, but these are likely restricted (Articles 75 & 79).Land Disputes: Customary institutions have the primary role in resolving land ownership disputes (Article 78).