What is the 2024 Referendum About?

What is the 2024 Referendum About?

April 15, 2024 - 11:10

The 2024 Vanuatu National Referendum asks voters to decide on two proposed constitutional amendments, Articles 17A and 17B, aimed at addressing political instability caused by members of parliament switching party allegiances. Specifically: Article 17A would require Members of Parliament to remain members of the political party they were elected to represent for their full term. […]

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17A Fasin blong lusum jea taem wan memba blong palemen hemi risaen o oli teminetem hem from hemi stop blong sapotem politikol pati blong hem

17A Fasin blong lusum jea taem wan memba blong palemen hemi risaen o oli teminetem hem from hemi stop blong sapotem politikol pati blong hem

March 27, 2024 - 02:50

Mein tingting bihaen long Atikol 17A blong Konstitusen hemi blong mekem sua se ol memba blong Palemen oli kontinu blong stap olsem ol memba blong wanwan politikol pati blong olgeta kasem taem ful tem blong Palemen i finis.

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17B Vacation of seat of an independent member

17B Vacation of seat of an independent member

March 27, 2024 - 01:54

Mein tingting bihaen long Atikol 17B blong Konstitusen ia hemi blong mekem sua se olgeta memba blong Palemen daon ia oli afiliet wetem wan politikol pati kasem taem ful tem blong Palemen i finis

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Samari blong olgeta atikol 17a mo 17b i stap daon ia:

Samari blong olgeta atikol 17a mo 17b i stap daon ia:

March 26, 2024 - 03:18

Konstitusen (Namba Eit) (Amendmen) Akt Namba 21 blong 2023 (“Akt ia”) olgeta Memba blong Palemen oli agri long hem mo pasem long manis Disemba 2023. Akt ia bae mekem jenis long Konstitusen mo adem ol Atikol 17A mo 17B i go insaed long hem.

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National Referendum

National Referendum

March 25, 2024 - 03:27

Following 2016 general election, a political and electoral reform process was launched by the government of Vanuatu aims at pursuing political stability, and in that context, the Political Reform Taskforce was established to review possible reform measures, in particular in relation to the political governance. 

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