Summary of Day 2 Voter Counting

On Day 2, counting began at 9am, focusing on the 29 polling stations in Efate and its offshore islands. By noon, the counting team had completed Efate. They then moved to the South Outer constituency in Tafea Province, finishing the 11 polling stations there.

In the evening, counting continued for Tanna Island’s 37 polling stations, wrapping up at 3:30am. Tafea Province was fully counted by early morning.

On Day 3, the larger constituencies of Malekula (36 polling stations), Santo (65 polling stations), and Luganville (with high voter registration) will be tackled. Counting for Malekula will resume at 10am.

The counting is progressing steadily through the various provinces and islands, with the larger constituencies being saved for Day 3 due to their sizeable number of polling stations and registered voters.

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